“A dream without action is just a dream.  A dream that incorporates action and the right mindset becomes a reality.”  ~ Lucienne

What is a mindset? At its core, it’s how you see your reality and yourself in it. Your beliefs are a defining part of your mindset, so they play an important role in your life.

On some level, we all want to change and better ourselves. It’s the reason there’s so much interest in personal development. It takes work to change and you have to believe in yourself. Having the right mindset is key and will go a long way in helping to move your business forward.

“Everyone is a mixture of fixed and growth mindsets. You could have a predominant growth mindset in an area, but there can still be things that trigger you into a fixed mindset trait.” Carol S. Dweck

There are many different kinds of mindset. For business owners, having a growth mindset is key to helping you achieve success in your business. It’s also closely related to having a business mindset

In her book, Mindset, Carol Dweck found mindset plays a significant role in determining achievement and success. She determined there are two: a fixed mindset and a growth mindset.

A person with a fixed mindset believes their talents are fixed traits that can’t be changed.

A growth mindset is about living up to your potential. Those with a growth mindset believe they can become more intelligent and more talented by putting in the time and effort.

If you have a passion for your business, you’ll likely be successful in developing a growth mindset.

The Power of Mindset

We shouldn’t underrate the power of our mind. Mindset is essentially a state of mind that helps you keep focused on what you want to achieve.

If you start to feel stuck or a bit overwhelmed, think about the consequences of avoiding or completing the task. How will it affect your ability to have a successful business? If you feel you need help you can hire a coach, a mentor or reach out to a trusted friend to help.


Most of us are guilty of procrastinating and it happens for a variety of reasons.

Research shows that 95% of us procrastinate to some degree and while it may be comforting to know you’re not alone, it’s also a sobering thought because it holds you back from achieving the success you want.

If you’re a procrastinator, ask yourself why you’re avoiding the task. There can be a variety of reasons.

Being a Perfectionist

You may be a perfectionist and fear your work won’t meet your own high standards. While having high standards is a good thing, in reality, there’s no such thing as perfect. Giving your best is what’s important.

Fear of Failure

Having a fear of failure is pretty common because none of us want to fail. Making mistakes is a part of life, so learn from them and move on. Don’t dwell on them or beat yourself up, but look at it as a learning experience which wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t bother to try.

Moving Forward

You’re can’t control everything that happens to you, but you can control how you respond. Expect failure and self-doubt because they are normal, but don’t let these stop you from achieving success you want.

In the end, the most important thing about having a growth mindset is your underlying belief that you can control your own destiny. And, that’s what makes it worth the effort.

I’d like to end by providing a link to an article about limiting beliefs, which you may find helpful https://bit.ly/2HYWQuV


Elaine Brennan is the owner of EMB Business Solutions, serving business, life and career coaches. She is a Certified Virtual Assistant and Certified Online Business Manager. To learn more about Elaine, please visit her website at https://embbusinesssolutions.com/